
I would like to gratefully acknowledge the following people who have contributed materials, research and encouragement which have helped make this website possible:

Dennis Lamont, for his very generous contributions of information and photos, without which this website would be a pale shadow of what it is, and for all he's done to keep the Lake Shore Electric from fading away completely...

Thomas Patton, LSE author and owner of the Beach Park station and LSE freight motor 38...

Thomas Bailey, Todd Stoffer, Jim Mihalik, and Charley Sheets of the Lake Shore Electric Group...

Gerry Vogel of the Avon Lake Public Library...

Chuck Dewey, owner of the Ceylon Junction station...

Dan Brady, webmaster of Brady's Bunch of Lorain County Nostalgia...

Rich Tarrant, webmaster of Vermilion Views...

Jane Chidester of the Heidelberg Beach Association...

Faye Waldron, formerly of the Berlin Heights Historical Society...

Amy Hunter of the Berlin Heights Historical Society...

Dr. Charles Herdendorf of the Sheffield Village Historical Society...

Paige Sanders, Mitiwanga historian...

Pam Seymour and Penny Kishman of the Vermilion Area Archival Society...

Ted Reising-Derby, Brownhelm historian...

Robert Korach, transit expert, historian, and author...

Bill Volkmer, electric railway historian...

Fred Schneider, of the Pittsburgh Trolley Museum...

Norwalk Public Library...

Clyde Public Library...

Fremont Public Library...

Albert Doane, Lorain historian...

Bradley Knapp and Brett Dunbar, for research assistance and sharing materials...

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania...

and very special thanks to Nick Moore for proofreading, support, and tolerance!

Thank you all.